* muttering accompanied by beeps/electric signal noises * “Huh, how’d you get here? Just when I’d finally resigned myself to floating aimlessly through the endless void of spa- woah hold up, you’re…
Author: Aaron (page 4)
Lists on lists on lists
It’s alive!! Well the very infantile functional proof of concept for the idea that is the procedural generation for the universe of Galliventurer is alive. Above is the result of a single…
Game Realism – Should it Matter?
Something I’ve been battling with recently when contemplating the procedural universe generation for Galliventurer. How realistic should the properties of celestial objects be? In the real world/universe, star’s are visible colours because…
Galliventurer – Dreaming of a Universe
n. Galliventurer – one who adventures whilst gallivanting. We have a name. A compound of the words gallivanter & adventurer it fits the game quite nicely. It will also be the name…
Random Generation That’s Not So Random
While I do want the Galliventurer universe to be procedurally & randomly generated, I don’t want it to be truly random. There needs to be a modicum of probability involved. Some weighting…
Documenting My Lack of Documentation
This is a public shaming. No quarter will be given, no merciful anonymity or private repo’s will suffice to hide my transgressions. I wrote a large complex recursive piece of functionality that…
Frontier Explorer
I’ve been thinking about, tinkering with and procrastinating over making a game for years. I have untold gigs worth of Unity projects clogging up, not only my desktop & laptop hard drives,…
Hello World
Is this thing on…?