Astronaut floating through cosmos

The Human Project

Waking in an unknown room is always a jarring experience. Waking in an unknown room that has a distinct surgical feel, surrounded by odd artefacts and gadgets from ancient civilisations from all…

Scotty Can’t Market

Pork-barrelling has become a new addition to the everyday Australian vernacular. This term, to break it right down, basically means throwing money at a constituency to ensure their votes go one way…

Hello world!

In case you made it here without seeing the homepage, during this momentous time the world seems to be going through a crucible of incredible change, this blog is a place to…

No Language

I worry there isn’t words to describe the depth of my feelings. One four letter word isn’t enough. It feels too small, too fragile, to contain such an ache. A strand that…

How to Think

Moving an arm and thinking about moving an arm are two vastly different things. Even thinking about thinking about moving an arm is a natural thing to do even if reading it…