- flightless passengerPunctuality was why he was hired. Along with having one of the most forgettable faces in the twelve states. The car was of course always on time, the location sent 10 mins prior within easy…
- prophetic secretsThree months of tedium had lead to this moment. Long nights and bleary-eyed days fuelled by coffee and a burning desire to have this puzzle solved. The closet he’d converted into a research study had…
- Humanity AbroadThe faces staring back through the broadside windows are completely unreadable, what few things can even be discerned as faces. Humanity is still treated with trepidation and fear by most, given our history the feelings…

Programmer by day, hobbyist game developer & political armchair ranter by night. Father to two wonderful kids and married to the most amazingly creative woman.
The world is going through a crucible of major change from every side it seems. The purpose of this blog is to allow me to explore and document my ideas and perspective whilst hopefully sharing insight and starting a discourse with you the reader(s).
Whilst it may be shouting into the void of the endless maelstrom of the internet, I hope you find some interesting ideas and fresh perspective on current events.